Research seminar : thematic methodes & tools in search of opportunities & possibles

lbari2131  2023-2024  Bruxelles Saint-Gilles

Research seminar : thematic methodes & tools in search of opportunities & possibles
3.00 crédits
30.0 h
The teaching unit, given jointly, aims to train the students in the experimentation of methodological tools that allow them to choose the theme in which their master’s thesis subject will evolve in Q9 and Q10, namely, territories or typologies (taught in English or English Friendly). The course leads the students to situate their subject: 
Faced with the scientific literature and existing project "good practices" in the field of the theme that the student has chosen; With regard to contemporary issues relating to the theme considered; Compared to the subjects of other students who share the same methodological tools. The purpose of this teaching unit is to specify the framework of each master’s thesis (definition of a subject, realization of a state of the art, definition of a methodological approach, treatment of the subject and formulation of the expected results) so that the student is able to include his/her TFE subject in a research theme.
At the end of this teaching unit, the student will be able to: 
- Develop and argue the issues related to his subject, with regard to the contemporary situation and the state of the art relating thereto; 
- Choose the data collection strategy most likely to meet the challenges of the subject and the specificity of the theme of which it is part; 
- Apply a research method, detailing, with regard to the context in which the subject fits, the directions of research to be investigated; 
- Argue the composition of a support committee by identifying the specificity of an expert Co-promoter in relation to his/her subject and by justifying the thematic choice of the teaching units Research seminar: Thematic development [LBARC2230] in Q9 as well as Research workshop : Thematic synthesis and articulation [LBARC2231] in Q10. 

Méthodes d'enseignement
Architectures: Typologies
Contemporary questions through history and theory as arguments for a project approach 
What we are going to do: The seminar aims to share theoretical knowledge from a project perspective. During this, the students build a solid frame of reference allowing them to establish their personal project through writings by practicing architects dealing with this theme. and to situate it in relation to questions raised by the student participants of the seminar. The theoretical analysis allows the students to place their master’s thesis project in a historical dimension, from a theoretical, critical and cultural point of view. This choice of perspective of a writing will be done on three bibliographical levels: 
- bibliography specific to an architectural, urban or landscape reference (proposed at the start of the academic year); 
- bibliography specific to the contemporary social and cultural context (this year on the theme of the play); 
- bibliography specific to a script that the subject of master’s thesis calls for (under construction with the student). 
It will also be 
- to produce an overview that situates and reveals the network of references in which the master’s thesis is rooted, 
- to produce a collage that presents the speculative dimension of the master’s thesis in and about architecture. 
How we are going to do it: The cultural and historical perspective of the subject of the master’s thesis of the student is done in the construction of a triptych. The first two parts situate the question. The third part tests the capacity of the question to produce the project: The writing will delimit the framework of the question of the master’s thesis and explore the description of the type of building targeted. The panorama will delimit the network of references summoned by the question of master’s thesis. The collage will illustrate the project perspectives targeted by the master’s thesis question. 
Seminar objectives 
This course addresses contemporary issues related to the specificities of the work undertaken by the students at the end of their studies. This year, the seminar will extend the transversal theme of “writing in and about architecture”, developed by each of the students as part of the development of their end-of-studies work. The seminar aims to share theoretical knowledge from a project perspective. During this, the students build a solid frame of reference allowing them to establish their master’s thesis and to situate it in relation to questions raised by student participants of the seminar. 
The objective of the seminar is to consolidate the basics of the master’s thesis of the students by developing the following elements: 
Research question: Illustrate the object of the research by means of a concrete index testifying to its reality, its nature and its topicality (object, extract from the press, archives, interview, image, etc.). Starting from this concrete expression, precisely formulate the research question, define the field of study and identify the partners (students, academics, public, associations, etc.) with whom to develop the work. 
Objectives and state of the art: identify a selection of scientific publications and references of territorial projects that report general knowledge and experiences on the research question, identify publications and projects that report specific knowledge and experiences in the field of study, identify previous master’s theses which offer bases for work. Synthesize the main achievements and the main open questions in this corpus of references. Specify the originality of the contribution targeted by the master’s thesis. Methodology and data: Identify the available data sources (quantitative data, qualitative data, cartographic data, archives, etc.), the methods for compiling new data (in situ observation, surveys, interviews, workshops, digital collaborative tools, etc.) and the partners required. Identify the "work packages" and create a schedule. Expected results: illustrate with references and outline the types of documents that will be produced: representation of the initial index, maps, projects, modes of representation and co-production tools. Valorization: identify the organization(s) (public administration, research center, association, etc.) capable of promoting the results of the research beyond the framework of the courses of the TFE chain and obtain a work sponsorship agreement (minimum 2-3 meetings during the year, reading of the TFE and participation in the jury, dissemination of the work in their network). To achieve this, several theoretical presentations relating to the specific issues and methods of territorial projects will provide food for thought: Typo-morphological analysis Introduction to GIS mapping software Search by project Co-production
Modes d'évaluation
des acquis des étudiants
Contribution to the LO repository: 
Situate one’s action 
Experiment and evaluate the possibilities of transforming a context. 
Mobilizing other disciplines 
Strategically manipulate content from other disciplines to question the design and implementation of the architecture project 
Express an architectural approach 
Express clearly orally, graphically and in writing the foundations of one’s idea(s). 
Adopt a professional attitude 
Organize, plan, develop and synthesize individual or collective work.
Faculté ou entité
en charge

Programmes / formations proposant cette unité d'enseignement (UE)

Intitulé du programme
Master [120] en architecture/BXL [Master International - en anglais]