Louvain Finance

Welcome at LFIN !

LFIN, Louvain Finance, is a research center of the Université catholique de Louvain, located in Louvain-la-Neuve (Belgium). It has been founded in 2016 and it now houses about 11 professors, and 15 researchers.

LFIN promotes and contributes to academic research in Finance via its research projects and the organization of top-level PhD courses, conferences and other public research activities. The Center’s main area of expertise are related to most of the areas of finance, including Asset Pricing, International Finance, Asset and Risk Management, Mathematical Finance, Macro-Finance, Market Microstructure, Corporate Finance and Behavioral Finance.

The center is leading several innovative projects, such as the first Bloomberg learning center in Belgium and it is supported in its activities by leading private institutions such as TreeTop Asset Management and Candriam. 

Together with CORE, IRES, ISBA, LFIN, and SMCS, LFIN is part of the Institute of Multidisciplinary Research for Quantitative Modeling and Analysis (LIDAM) where researchers develop and use a coherent set of tools and methods for quantitative modeling and analysis in their various fields of expertise.

Upcoming Events @ LFIN


LFIN Seminar - Julien Hambuckers

Julien Hambuckers (Université de Liège) invited by Nathan Lassance will give a presentation on : LASSO-type penalization methods in distributional regression models, with...

What's new @ LFIN ?

LIDAM in the Media

Comment expliquer la résilience de l’économie de la...

Bertrand Candelon (LFIN). Malgré deux ans de conflit en Ukraine et plusieurs trains de sanctions, la croissance a atteint 3,6% en 2023 en Russie, passée en «économie de guerre». [...]...
LIDAM in the Media

Vote du décret paysage avec le PTB: “Chers étudiants, il...

Frédéric Vrins (LFIN). PS et Ecolo ont été jusqu’au bout avec le PTB: la réforme du décret ‘paysage’ a été votée en séance plénière. Un professeur de finances à l’UCLouvain le regrette...
LIDAM in the Media

Le compte d’épargne n’est plus la bonne option pour...

Anh Nguyen (LFIN). Avec une baisse des taux attendue pour juin, l’épargnant aurait tort de laisser dormir son argent sur des comptes à faible rendement. D’autres options s’offrent à...