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Bruxelles Woluwe

Transforming vulnerability into power: exploring...

The 2019 HDCA (Human Development  & Capability Association) conference will be hosted by University College London (UCL), in partnership with The School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS), Birkbeck, the University of East London and the London International Development Centre...
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Utopias for Our Times

International conference marking the 500th anniversary of the publication of Thomas More's Utopia and the 25th anniversary of the Chaire Hoover, jointly organized by KU Leuven's Metaforum and the Hoover Chair. THURSDAY 29 SEPTEMBER (Leuven) Thematic session 1: The future of cities...
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Pursue Public Engagement, but Don’t Expect ‘Broad...

A prominent group of scientists, bioethicists, and other specialists from around the world recently called for a global moratorium on clinical uses of human germline editing—“changing heritable DNA (in sperm, eggs or embryos) to make genetically modified children.” Before a country allows this...
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Introduction to the Special Issue in Celebration of...

Journal of Human Development and Capabilities Volume 20, 2019 That Amartya Sen had a seminal and profound influence on the human development paradigm and the capability approach hardly needs a reminder. He served as an advisor to the very first Human Development Reports and contributed to...
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12 juin : L’éthique de la communication scientifique ;...

Journée annuelle du comité d'éthique de l'Inserm Dans un entretien avec le philosophe Michel Besnier, le penseur de la complexité Edgar Morin nous confie «… tout ce qui est complexe nécessite une communication entre les disciplines qui n’existe pas en réalité et dont le manque nous rend...
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